Monday, 12 February 2007

Brief encounter

an uneasy glance across the room- a second glance none to soon
she’s looking at me that’s for sure- she’s very smart with much allure

the guy she's with seems to care- his arm around a waist that's bare
she turns him with his back to me- her eyes just say she can be free

an uneasy wriggle in my seat- where and when can we meet
who is she then and what her name- i sure enjoy this flirting game

i reach the bar and get a drink- then ask the barmen who's that in pink
he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly- i haven’t a clue who she can be

I’m heading back to my seat- her lovely perfume my nostrils meet
i think he's twigged it I saw him glance- our sly glances spoiling the chance

he then heads her to the door- she gives that look what’s this for
my stomach sinks we've lost our chance- my brief encounter has no romance.

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