Monday, 12 February 2007

Zig Zag


In 1917 Balfour declared,
Tormented Palestine could be shared,
Both sides gave a promising nod,
Combined talents unease was shod.

A Palestine majority didn’t stop war,
Retalitary acts they both stood for,
Husseini tried his Arab rise,
Fleeing to Hitlers was his demise.

Peel and Woodhead tried their plot,
A Jewish minority was their lot,
A foot in the sand could be the way,
Then Lord Moyne Lehi did slay.

The U.N. issues it’s report,
Equal division was it’s resort,
The Jews gave a reluctant yes,
Break through here the world would bless.

But not so it seems in Arab eyes,
Reluctance could be their demise,
Opportunity indeed here was missed,
To attend the table submit their list.

Resolution 181 was the way,
Equal opportunity equal play,
Jerusalem under protective care,
Till Arab and Jew learned to share.

The gun and bomb get publicity yes,
But not to clear this awful mess,
This type of war will come to an end,
With both sides learning to yield and bend.

Your war is spreading across the globe,
It needs restricting to your abode,
9/11 proved nothing at all,
American people still stand tall.

The table as usual will clear the air,
Twill end your torment and despair,
181 a way to success,
Now the table you must address.

©©© JB

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